Jun 30, 2010 22:03
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What? died of watching soccer? I know late hours are incompatible with health, but this maynot be the most common cause of his death. Anyway, an abstemious person can handle it well.
Jul 1, 2010 01:25
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That guy had been suffering from diabetes. He was so exicited about the matches that forgot he was ILL. Then the tragedy happened.

An abstemious person can handle himself well. But soccer fans couldn't control themselves when the matches were going on. They were very passionate and excited.
Jul 4, 2010 01:00
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Luckily, I am not a soocer fan. I want to live, hehe. Here is another piece of sad news: After Brazil lost the game to Netherlands, a football fan in Haiti suicided by hitting a car. He could not bear the result.

Anyway, Life is the most important. If you live, you might see Brazil win the games again. If you die, you won't have a chance to see them revenge.
Jul 4, 2010 22:41
  • KEVIN0518
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Originally Posted by CHARLOTT

Anyway, Life is the most important. If you live, you might see Brazil win the games again. If you die, you won't have a chance to see them revenge.

Definitely true. Don't be too extreme. It is no wrong to be a soccer fan. But he was definitely wrong to kill himself. If all fans did the same thing like this guy. I guess that no people will play soccer.
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