The dating culture is so different
Jun 29, 2010 03:35
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I'm a 22yr old Chinese ,currently in the states.I've been in the states for 5 months now and I found out that the dating culture is so different and actually,I preffered the chinese style .

Western men are very talktive,they are more a talker than a doer.Of course western man compliments ladys alot.I've been told so many times that I'm beautiful,perfect,sexy with intelligent,ect.Of course I'm not perfect,and of course I'm just an ordinary girl .May be American boys are raised this way,but I was so happy that I grew up in a big city so I deeply understand that men always say everything they could to get girls into bed.So I Believe what men do,not what they say.

I used to have serious relationship with chinese man and western(he was American) man.I don't see a big difference.I treated my Chinese bf and western bf the same way, I’m comfortable in my skin.The culture might be different,but actually I see so many things in common.I do believe that love conquers all,language is not a big prob as long as it does not effected the communication between the two people.

But for me, Chinese men seem more serious into a relationship. There was one American guy told me he doesn't like American girls becoz American girls are drama queens, they only want games and he hates that. I didn't believe that becoz I thought most girls want to be serious , otherwise, ”sex and the city”, a famous American show, wouldn’t give Carrie a happy ending. I met several American man here, some are in their 20s, some are in their early 30s,No offense but I was shocked that quite a few men who are in their 30s act like 18yr old teens. They move quickly and trying to hold my hand on the 2nd date. That definitely scares me away-Of course I turned them down. Then they think I’m just playing hard to get, then they call me more often.Turns out, MEN are who says they hate games but who are playing games.

And one thing I found out is that westerners are open, but they are not. Unlike so many aged men in China dating young girls, it’s unusual to see a 60yr old man dating a 20yr old girl here. I had a crush on a man who is 38,he looks young ,before I asked his age,I thought he was only about 29.After I know his age, I asked him what’s the age range for his dating requirements when we were chatting .He said 30-45,he joked that he doesn't wanna look like a sugar daddy. Chinese girls seem not so sensitive about age, more concerned about money. And Chinese man are more concerned about younger age and appearance. isnt it really bad that marriage looks like a trade in China?

In this city(I cant speak for the whole America),people turns to think that girls at my age are stupid and shallow.I really hate that men only come to talk to me just becoz I dressed up.But unfortunately,most of the time, this is the case.

Anyways, I’m still young but I’m kind of learning the dating culture in the states. I am who I am.I’m not gonna change myself to fill in this kind of dating culture
Last edited by COCOLULUL: Jun 29, 2010 04:32
Jun 29, 2010 04:32
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But I'm trying to learn and enjoy those different.
Jul 4, 2010 03:20
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Then which dating culture do you prefer, COCOLULUL?

I am a Chinese boy. For me, I prefer girls who take the relationship seriously. The purpose of dating is to find out the right one you would llike to spend your rest life with him/her and then marry him/her to enjoy your life. To me, marriage is a very serious thing. A girl who doesn't take the relationship seriously is not my type.

Of course, there are some boys and girls who prefer to play dating games. They are just dating with different people and they enjoy this. Good luck to them!
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