Asianfashion4u Show You Costume Asian Fashion Dress Forum
Jul 28, 2010 06:26
  • JOEE
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  • Join Date: Jul 28, 2010
  • Status: offline
Concept of costume dress Forum is to reflect a person's dress taste, don't you buy clothes are suitable for evening wear bubble bar, tomorrow's interview I'm afraid you would not have gone; if tomorrow to attend the company's cocktail, you're still wearing the day before yesterday from characteristic shop scouring back animal designs vest, then this is your career haul may look bad to do what constellation measurement! the best approach is to let your own clothing generally divided into several types,[tcgurl=]wholesale korean fashion[/tcgurl] so that in the face of various occasions activities, it was not difficult to ensure that they are brilliant!
Color taboo this principle is the simplest, but it is very useful, and you want to become the heart of beautiful Peacock, nor put dozens of color is put on it! if you have a great grasp of color fashion design capabilities that you're going to show off, if not honest to control the following types of color yourself, as a general rule a maximum of not more than three to four colors, the most conservative means is to build two color, the color of certain accessories up something, let them and clothing are not the same as the overtones, korean fashion,but it is the same or similar color and warm colour scheme, in that case, the color becomes rich and not monotonous, overall dress sense and hierarchy; if you are fat, especially like big red, you know what to say to editing advice, the expansion of the Red no shrinkage of feeling, only let more people notice your build.
Design fashion choice really is a lot of people most headaches, generally speaking, the reductions and Edition-good or bad, as long as you put in to the findings of that sense you can feel it, select the style of the fundamental principles of the garment to be able to hide your build gaps, but also be able to take advantage of your body are manifest, if your head is very small, but they also wore a waist line is very low, horizontal stripes windbreaker, and that some abuse their own image, rather than choose a short coat and light-coloured trousers, wearing an eye can Yiu Flower necklace, other people's eyes are attracted to his waist, you can be confident in the choices!(by [tcgurl=][/tcgurl])

Jul 21, 2011 08:25
I don't contain any well-mannered tastefulness and all I recall is what clothes I like on people. I do palm significance in people's looks in and utmost the bedroom distinguishable from other males I know.
Jul 21, 2011 11:59
GUESTHICSLOO... I think i apophthegm these today in fat, they are definitely hot!
But have no conviction of the style delegate, ill-starred!

I went to a Gala on Saturday tenebriousness and wore my hyacinthine HL clothes
Jul 22, 2011 23:13
GUESTALACUAV... cool. secure more examples?anyone to. i realy have need of to know. i don't wanna be the sect dork or somethin. give me COMPOSURE ideas through despite BOYS and Girls. if you do all that, you have been vrey helpful!

And only a information of notice for those that are looking at the gowns - not all styles are that admirably made. When you are shopping or having your gown tailor-made, discontinuation the first seams and hems etc because sometimes they are in effect dodgy.
Jul 23, 2011 12:13
GUESTHICSLOO... ^^ oh wow, that's cheaper than I rumination they would be in the course of her!!
Is there a website for her gowns?

Although dressing nicer is getting more dominant with guys these days, I don't skilled in if I would like a dude delightful more control into shopping and creating a wardrobe than me. I about that the furthest you should go is buying amiable things, If a guy makes it seem like he planned his garb the hour in the forefront, it kinda loses novelty (for a scarcity of a preferably clauses). But i get nothign against metrosexuals in non-exclusive, and good exchange for the guys who are.
Jul 25, 2011 04:53
GUESTHICSLOO... That to.I utilized to have some watches
But I without exception forgot to put them on and then IDK what happened to them
They're collecting dust somewhere

And mel i expected more from you
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