Warning from Hawking
Aug 10, 2010 02:33
guestFiona News from

“Stephen Hawking has warned that unless the human race colonises space within the next two centuries it will disappear forever.
The famous astrophysicist says that our only chance for long-term survival is to move away from Earth and begin to inhabit new planets.
In an interview with website Big Think, Hawking said he was an ‘optimist’ but the next few hundred years had to be negotiated carefully if the human race is to survive.
He said: ‘I see great danger for the human race. There have been a number of times in the past when survival has been a question of touch and go. The Cuban missile crisis in 1963 is one of these.”

----How can we move away to another planet? Scientists estimate that if we use aerocrafts which consume chymical fuel to a habitable planet, we need 50 thousand years on the way... Do you believe the doom? or can human invent aerocrafts that run the speed of light in next two centuries?
Aug 10, 2010 04:24
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...unless the human race colonises space within the next two centuries it will disappear forever?? is he kidding?

I have not prepared for that yet, mentally or financially. Moreover, I don't think human beings can invent the faster aerocrafts within these years.
Aug 15, 2010 02:24
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God was angry. God was going to make the moon dark to show this. Sometimes we hear the earth is shot and the species is going to mutate into weird beings with plastic lungs, dying for food. We deserve it if we still do bad to Nature.
Aug 16, 2010 02:01
GUESTDENIAL How to say, words of those science talents are, to some extent, powerful. as a good scientist has no use for secrets. Scaring
Aug 16, 2010 03:43
The future is uncertain. Hawking just told us his predication. You can predict the earth's future on your own. Someone even says the Earth will disappear in 2012. Who knows? Live everyday happily and you won't regret when the doomsday comes.
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