Travel buddy for Sept 17-25, Guilin and Yunnan
Aug 19, 2010 01:02
guest52228 I'm looking for a travel buddy (friend only) for Sept. 18-25, in Guilin and Yunnan. I'll be doing a whirlwind tour on the cheap - travel by train/bus, sleep in hostels, hit the major sites and spend some down time on the side just chilling.with the locals.

My current itinerary looks like 2 days in Guilin, 1.5 -2 days in Kunming, and then a sort of up for grab 2.5 days in Dali/Lijiang area- tbd for now.

I figure I can probably meet up with some people in the hostels, but I'm a little worried they'll be empty, since as far as I know this isn't a particularly popular time for foreigners to go on vacation (and the Chinese definitely won't be with the Oct. 1st holiday coming up). Any thoughts on whether there will be people around?
Sep 10, 2010 19:10
GUEST54180 contact me immediately at|andywho if you are not engaged yet
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