Plane crashes in Heilongjiang
Aug 24, 2010 20:19
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Shocking news from;

A passenger plane crashed in northeast China late on Tuesday, overshooting the runway and bursting into flames, killing 43 of 96 people onboard in what was one of the nation's worst air disaster in years.

The Henan Airlines plane crashed at 10.10pm (2am NZT) in Yichun, a small city in Heilongjiang province, after flying from Harbin, the province's capital, state media said.

Forty-three bodies of people killed in the accident had already been found at the site where the plane split apart after overshooting the runway of Yichun airport, a city official, Jin Yi, told the China News Service.

The other 53 people on board "have all been taken to hospital for treatment, and at present none is in danger of loss of life," the report said, citing Jin. Their injuries included burns, cuts and broken limbs.

"The plane split apart on grass 1.5 kilometres from the runway and a small explosion happened as it did," Sun Bangnan, a deputy chief of police in Heilongjiang, told the China News Service.

Other Chinese news reports, citing unnamed witnesses or sources, said the plane began to fall apart or burst into flames before it overshot the runway.

Chinese media reports say there were 91 passengers and five crew members on board. The plane was an Embraer 190, said the China News Service.

The accident was a jolt for China's fast-growing air sector, which has escaped disaster for several years thanks to relatively young fleets and stricter safety rules.

Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang, the most senior official overseeing safety issues, headed to the disaster, according to Xinhua.

Rescuers check the wreckage of a crashed passenger plane in Yichun...

Last edited by RAINDROP: Aug 24, 2010 20:19
Sep 1, 2010 02:26
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The family of those victims will get RMB 960,000 per person as compensation.
Sep 1, 2010 04:53

Originally Posted by RAINDROP

The family of those victims will get RMB 960,000 per person as compensation.

Money can not make them alive. Just hope that such tragedy never happens again. The airport needs to be much more careful.
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