Is this a reflection of cultural diversity in New York?
Aug 31, 2010 22:04
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It is reported that an Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque will be constructed near the Ground Zero (Site of WTO). This plan has aroused a dispute among the American public. On August 22, the American public held a rally near the site. The opponents and the supporters almost had a conflict. New York police stepped up police force for this assembly, assembly on site fully equipped police everywhere, they used iron bars to separate the supporters and opponents.

Mosque building plan's opponents held up "You can not build a mosque to protect the dignity of the victims," "never forget September 11, 2001" and other large banners and singing patriotic songs. Supporters of the mosque building plan in the rally chanted "against religious bigotry," "protection of religious freedom" and other slogans.

Barack Obama said that Muslims have the right to private land near Ground Zero on the construction of the Islamic Cultural Center and mosque, the protection of religious freedom in the United States will not change. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg also said he would continue to support the plan to enrich the cultural diversity of New York.

Will you agree to construct the Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque near the site of WTO?
Sep 5, 2010 01:22
GUESTNIA People of vision in the world appealed to protect the diversity of cultures. Why there are opponents? I have no religion, but I tolerate all religions...
Sep 5, 2010 02:35
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I wouldnt like to have it near ground zero. I dont know anyone that was involved in that terrible event but if I did I certainly would not want to see a mosque near or even in my country.
Maybe in time the people can forgive and be more tollerant towards muslims but I dont think it will happen anytime soon.
Sep 5, 2010 03:22
GUESTTAYLOR If all procedures are legal, no one should stop them building their mosque. But this issue is very sensitive. The muslims should think about it carefully. If they irritate all American people, they won't live peacefully there. Also, it is a problem for the Obama administration. If the government can't handle it very well, more problems will occur.
Sep 5, 2010 07:06
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Here is an example,,and this applies to everyone in every country and culture. Lets not make this just an "American" and a "Muslim" issue,,OK?? Now stay with me here everyone,,and leave your tears and feelings outside the door. This can happen anywhere in the world and it does not have to be religious, but lets say for an example,,a loved one passes away or is killed by accident or on purpose. You want to keep that persons memory alive because what happened was so sudden!! Some businessmen are looking to build a "nightclub" a hotel and casino,,because THEY WANT THAT LAND that your loved one is buried on!! Opponents said "Go build it next to your nations capital" the business men say " OH no!! we cant build it there, thats our nations capital,, we want you use your cemetery instead!"
So now through financial strength, and political ties, the lowly people whos vote counts in elections does not count in this situation. The night club/ Hotel and casino is built on the cemetery land,, the bodies are excavated and moved someplace else,, and the locals now have all kinds of people walking all around their homes from the newly "MUCH NEEDED" establishments that will only feed the pockets of the politicians and the businessmen,,and a lie that it will generate so much revenue and lower taxes...........Hmmm imagine that!! Lower taxes!! The homeowners in the area of the this 3 establishment enterprise,,their property taxes go up because like being near a vacation hotspot,, they are forced to move and sell their house,,OR an insulting offer is made for the homeowners to move or risk having their home taken through eminent domain!!
Is not really an easy situation when there are alot of people involved,, especially when there is money to be made, by powerful people. So Who suffers?
I myself am not against a mosque being built but Im sure a Night club / casino and a motel would not get approved for construction or last long for that matter "Right next to" within 100 meters of the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia.
There are just some things people need to research first and not rush into something because they want to exercise their rights.

Sep 7, 2010 22:57
  • KEVIN0518
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So we better make Ground Zero to a memorial park. No entertainment facilities are allowed to exist near the Ground Zero. Then most people will be happy.
Sep 9, 2010 19:29
  • LOKI
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Heres one better yet! how about opening a gun store next to a bank!!
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