Two girls compete for a boy!
Sep 1, 2010 23:04
guestRoseLi On a train, two girls sit beside a boy. The boy is playing with his mobile phone while the two girls are quarreling quietly. Suddenly, A takes several bank cards out of her bag and says: “I have 50000 yuan. Be my boyfriend.”

B takes out her bank card and says: “By my boyfriend. I have more than 70000 yuan.” Other passengers on the train turn their eyes upon them. The boy looks embarrassed but says nothing. Two girls don’t care about other passengers. They start to talk how rich their parents are. All of sudden, A stands up and slaps another girl. B fights back and slaps A on her face. Then they slap each other again and again.

Finally, A, B and the boy were all taken away by the police on the train. The police learnt about the whole thing and let them go. After getting to their destination, they get off the train. A and B still follow behind the boy…….

That’s what happened on the K722 train from Nanjing to Chengdu.
Sep 2, 2010 06:15
  • LOKI
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I like that!! I will have to ride that train
Sep 7, 2010 02:01
  • JANE01
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If I were the boy, I wouldn't choose any of them. None of them is good. Why was he silent on the train? Why didn't he stop them quarreling and fighting?
Sep 7, 2010 04:44
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I can't understand what the boy is thinking about. If he has no interest in either of them, just tell them. Did he enjoy such feeling? Or he was thinking of choosing the richer one?
Last edited by JIMMYB: Sep 7, 2010 04:45
Sep 11, 2010 01:39
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Did you do a video of it? can we see?
Sep 11, 2010 22:55
GUESTHAYDEN OMG, how can this boy take them together along his way??!! a playboy, perhaps.
I am not sure if they know each other,,, Tragedy, ha ha
Sep 12, 2010 02:16
I guess the boy didn't let them follow him. The girls insisted on following the boy. Why did he stop the girls? He had his own self-respect. If he started talking, he might lose his face on the train. Thus, he pretended that nothing happened.
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