Ten Very Weird Phobias
Sep 25, 2010 01:35
Millions of people suffer from various phobias, some more weird then others. Certain phobias are understandable such as people who are scared of heights (acrophobia), people who are scared of snakes (ophidiophobia) and
people who are scared of speed (tachophobia). But what about weird phobias? People who are scared of simple things like cotton, jell-o and chins? Below you will find 10 very weird phobias that people actually suffer from.

Weird Phobia #1 - Ablutophobia: Fear of Bathing

Ablutophobia is the fear of taking a bath or cleaning yourself in any form. It is mostly found in children and women.

Weird Phobia #2 -Porphyrophobia: The Fear of the Color Purple

The color purple is definitely not the favorite color of a person who has Porphyrophobia. Porphyrophobia is the extreme fear of anything that is the color purple.

Weird Phobia #3 -Geniophobia: Fear of Chins

People with Geniophobia have a weird phobia of chins. For whatever reason, the person is extremely scared of even the most normal chins.

Weird Phobia #4- Eisoptrophobia: Fear of Mirrors

Even the prettiest beauty queen can be scared of mirrors. It's called Eisoptrophobia. It means to be scared of mirrors or seeing yourself in a mirror. It can also relate to bringing bad luck due to breaking mirrors. This is also very close to Spectrophobia which is the fear of seeing your own reflection.

Weird Phobia #5- Pteronophobia: Fear of Being Tickled

Pteronophobias don't laugh when ticked. In fact they have a great fear of being tickled and may suffer from great anxiety at the thought of being tickled.

Weird Phobia #6- Papyophobia: Fear of Paper

The fear of paper is makes one a Papyophobia. Papyophobia is the phobia of paper and can cause serious anxiety by seeing, touching, or feeling paper.

Weird Phobia #7- Nomatophobia: Fear of Names

One of the weirdest phobias ever, would have to be Nomatophobia, the fear of names. Really, this must have been brought on by the kids who were named weird names like Pizza, Road, Vega, Swinburne, and Willoha.

Weird Phobia #8- Phobophobia: Fear of Developing a Phobia

Now that's a real ringer- a phobia of developing a phobia? I would have to say this one is definitely self-induced.

Weird Phobia #9- Nomophobia: The Fear of Losing Cell Service

Choose your cell service provider wisely. Nomophobia is the extreme fear of losing cell phone service and not being able to stay connected with friends.

Weird Phobia #10- Apotemnophobia: Fear of Amputations

No so much the fear of having your own limbs amputated, but being around someone who has amputations or prosthetics.

Sep 25, 2010 01:36
The article is from:

Do you suffer any phobia on the list?
Sep 25, 2010 22:09
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Only lonelyjoephobia.
Sep 25, 2010 23:18

Originally Posted by BOBERT

Only lonelyjoephobia.

Congratulations, Bobert. I am telling a secret. Actually, I am suffering from lonelyjoephobia too. But I don't want to be weird so I crossed it from the Top Ten Very Weird Phobias.
Sep 27, 2010 15:56
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Perhaps bobertphobia should be on your list Lonelyjoe.It seems to be a highly contagious disease on this website.
Sep 27, 2010 21:10

Originally Posted by BOBERT

Perhaps bobertphobia should be on your list Lonelyjoe.It seems to be a highly contagious disease on this website.

Don't worry, Bobert. I am immune to "Bobertphobia".
Sep 28, 2010 02:52
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A very astute comment Lonelyjoe. It brought a smile to my face.

I have a question for you. You are a prolific contributor to this website with 347 postings to date. Are you really lonely?
Sep 29, 2010 01:18

Originally Posted by BOBERT

A very astute comment Lonelyjoe. It brought a smile to my face.

I have a question for you. You are a prolific contributor to this website with 347 postings to date. Are you really lonely?

Yes, I feel really lonely. That's why I want to find something to make me feel better like talking to you on this forum.

PS: You have posted 622 postings on this forum. I am still behind you
Sep 29, 2010 05:08
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You caused yet another smile. Untill you pointed it out, I hadn't realise I had said so much. 622 postings is indeed impressive. However most of my postings are puerile rubbish and best forgotten. They are responses, and although I hope sometimes provocative, not generally inspirational. Yours are arousing and instigate comment. I sincerley hope you find someone soon to sate your craving for company.
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