Oct 21, 2010 01:47
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Inception is a 2010 American science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. After watching this film, I have been looking for his other films. My friend recommended Memento to me and I watched it. Very good!

The film tells us that man who suffers from short-term memory loss, uses notes and tattoos to hunt for the man he thinks killed his wife. A camera helps him remember where he lives, people he recognizes.

In Britain, a woman who suffered brain damage six years ago suffers from a form of amnesia that makes her unable to recognize faces or recall many of the other sensory experiences that fill her day.

Like the man in Memento, she also has a camera that helps her “access” her memory. Without this camera, she even forgets who her husband is.

It is horrible. Memory is very valuable to humans. Do you think you can live without your memory?

That's her.

Last edited by AVATAR: Oct 21, 2010 01:48
Oct 27, 2010 04:09
That's very bad. I would rather die than live as a man who has no memory.

Avatar, I watched Memento. But I still don't know who killed his wife. Did he kill the wrong person?
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