Looking for travel companion/s in china Dec 2010
Nov 17, 2010 09:55
guest54230 Hi there,
Any one who might be travelling in china around this time and might want to join me for part of the trip please let me know.
I am keen to join other travellers for part of the trip. Not keen to travel the whole month alone.
I will be reaching Shanghai on the 29th November.
Please email me at|playtimehm
I am male and in my 30s. Girls or guys are welcome. I am an easy, simple, quiet, and fun person. Thankyou.
Nov 28, 2010 12:13
GUEST03230 hi there!

I am also visiting shanghai on Dec 13th and looking for travel partners, till when are you staying in shanghai ?
Dec 7, 2010 11:56
GUEST08183 I am going to shanghai on Dec 12. I am male canadian. shoot me email|arcade647
Dec 22, 2010 04:13
GUEST22127 Ms.KT(USA) said:
I'll only be there one night Dec. 26, but ...

I have a layover in Shanghai 7:30pm - 8:30am on my way to another city in China, but I want to see nightlife safely there. I'm interested in taking photos of * The Pearl Tower , * Lights , * The River and experiencing *Nightlife * The underground metro w/ lights from the Bund
Otherwise, can you suggest...

1. Fastest most economical TRANSPORTATION from the airport (the train?)to.. ?
2. a CLEAN,VERY SAFE HOTEL with a window and HEAT, but not too expensive ?
3. VERY CLOSE to tourist nightlife (Bund, East Naijing St. Pearl Tower, view of the River, lights etc.)??
4. Is it safe for a woman to enjoy nightlife alone (no drinking though)?
5. Does the airport have safe lockers? Otherwise I'll have 2 suitcases to carry.
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