Why does the girl’s family take the “bride price”?
Jan 24, 2011 00:51
  • MJ1985
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For centuries, China has practiced the "bride price" marriage custom, which means the man’s family must pay a certain sum of money to the family of the woman in order to marry her. Today, this custom is still observed by Chinese people both in cities and rural areas. Even a foreigner should pay the “bride price” if he is in love with a Chinese girl and wants to marry her.

How much money should the man’s family pay? It depends. The man’s family usually discusses with the girl’s family and finally they reach an agreement on the “bride price”. What if they do not reach an agreement? The man and the woman may break up.

Why does the girl’s family take the “bride price”? I’ve read some resources and concluded some reasons:
1. The girl’s parents receive the “bride price” and use the money to prepare “dowry” for their daughter.
2. The girl’s parents have raised their daughter from a baby to a lady. They have invested too much on their daughter. You can not take her away so easily. Then the “bride price” is needed.
3. In some rural areas, the parents receive the “bride price” and save the money for their son. When their son grows up, he will marry someone and they need to pay the “bride price” to marry her. Simply, their daughter earns the bride price for her brother. It is rare but does exist.

Which reason do you think is reasonable?
Jan 24, 2011 20:42
1.The girl’s parents receive the “bride price” and use the money to prepare “dowry” for their daughter.

It sounds reasonable.

2.In some rural areas, the parents receive the “bride price” and save the money for their son. When their son grows up, he will marry someone and they need to pay the “bride price” to marry her.

They sold their daughter to make money for heir son. It’s ridiculous. In their opinion, boys are still important than girls. The daughter became their “money machine”.
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