My girlfriend got pregnant! how to abort it in Nanning?
Mar 18, 2011 02:16
guest18977 My girlfriend got pregnant! how to abort it in Nanning?

We are international students just came here last month. My girlfriend and I had un-safe sex last month! last night she called me and told me she used pregnancy test and she is pregnant ! We both know we can not be together because we have too much differences ! so we can not get that baby.

We both do not speak chinese fluently so I can not talk about that for my chinese friend!
We really need abortion clinics address in Nanning! PLEASE help us in that.
Also, Is it legal to abort baby in China ?

I'm really thankful to any one will help me on that..
Mar 18, 2011 20:45
GUESTLEE Abortion is legal in China and it can be done in almost all hospitals. You'd better not go to those small clinics, but big hospitals. It's more safe.
Mar 19, 2011 05:23
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Congratulations! ....? I mean isn´t it always nice to find out that everything in body is ok? Like after hard work the muscles ache so then you can be sure you have muscles...

I think you should sue your teen age time teachers for not telling you what can happen when having sex without protection.

Ok, perhaps it would be better to have an abortion, every child should be protected against stupid parents so I asked my wife because she is from Nanning. She knows but she won´t tell so that´s it. Sorry...?

Mar 20, 2011 21:05
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This sounds like an old post from a year ago or it just might be another selfish person wanting to make their own rules as they go. Ok answer to your question....your an idiot!! for having unsafe sex with any person you dont know. You need to worry about STDs "sexually transmitted diseases' did you ever take that into consideration...Einstein?? You worry about a pregnancy when you should be worrying about your life if you have not contracted a disease. LIKE HIV. BUT its ok the Abortion do gooders will be out here to help you along with your guilt that you will have to live with the rest of your life and hers too! Oh by the way it is her that has to deal with this psycologically,,not you so,, go home to your mommy little boy. When you mature one day IF YOU DO then you will know the difference of right and wrong and man you sure learned the hard way early in life. good luck if any on your possible STD situation. You are gauranteed to feel changes very soon. best regards Larry
Apr 23, 2011 08:39

Originally Posted by GUEST18977

We both know we can not be together .

then why did you have sex that EASILY??!!!
May 6, 2011 11:21
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Mmm... Lily,
it is builded in. It has nothing to do with logic.
What to put on or not to put anything is a guestion of logic, though.

May 13, 2011 21:08

Originally Posted by CARLOS

Mmm... Lily,
it is builded in. It has nothing to do with logic.
What to put on or not to put anything is a guestion of logic, though.


Hey Carlos, I was just a lilttle angry by the irresponsible things he've done to the girl.
May 14, 2011 22:30

Originally Posted by LILY_LITTLEDUMB

Hey Carlos, I was just a lilttle angry by the irresponsible things he've done to the girl.

Do you think it is all his fault? One hand alone can't clap. If she thought it was dangerous, she could have refused his request or asked him to buy a condom.

It happened already. The key is how to solve the problem.
May 15, 2011 20:06
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Originally Posted by GUEST8110

Do you think it is all his fault? One hand alone can't clap. If she thought it was dangerous, she could have refused his request or asked him to buy a condom.

It happened already. The key is how to solve the problem.

I agree with you guest, the key to solving the problem starts at the beginning before anything happens. Holding back and not engaging in an activity that could have long last effects if one is not prepared for an unfavorable outcome. Picking apples doesnt stop the tree from growing,,but cutting the root will.
May 16, 2011 02:43
GUEST4807 "Do you think it is all his fault? One hand alone can't clap. If she thought it was dangerous, she could have refused his request or asked him to buy a condom. "

Probably she was unwilling to do it. Then her boyfriend said 'If you refuse me, I think we needn't be together." She has no choice but accepted.
May 20, 2011 11:39
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I got a little angry too. However, he did not do anything to her. Well, I hope she liked what he did...
What happened was finally between two people so "they did" would sound better.
What they did... think... I think no.

But coming back down to reality, having sex really don´t always mean having deep feelings. That I ment by saying it has nothing to do with logic.

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