Fuel surcharges on international routes to rise from April 1st
Mar 28, 2011 01:58
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Air China and several airways have announced to raise the fuel surcharges on international flights due to surging oil prices.

According to Air China, the fuel surcharges on European routes will be raised from April 1st. The passengers who take flights from China to Europe (except Turkey and Russia) will pay CNY 1000 for the fuel surcharge. Originally, they need to pay CNY 950. The fuel surcharges on flights from China to Turkey will rise to CNY640 from CNY 560. Passengers who take flights from Turkey and France to mainland China will pay 5 euros more, to 70 euros and 105 euros. The surcharge on flights from mainland China to Russia will increase from CNY750 to CNY850 from May 1st.

Hong Kong Dragon Airlines declares that the fuel surcharge on flights from mainland China to Hong Kong will rise to 24.9 US dollars from April 1st.

Cathy Pacific will increase the fuel surcharges on flights between Hong Kong and Australia, New Zealand, North America, Europe, Africa, Middle-East, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to 113.3 US dollars. All other flights will rise to 24.9 US dollars.

Last edited by RAINDROP: Mar 28, 2011 01:58
Apr 7, 2011 04:35
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The oil prices have increased again. No doubt, the fuel surcharges will rise too.
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