Should Obama be impeached over Libya action?
Apr 12, 2011 21:46
GUEST1707 Iran is no match for the combined military power of The US, Europe and Israel. You are dreaming.

Bobert, you are right. Iran is not as strong as the US,Europe and Israel. But a baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion. Iran is capable of making nuclear bombs. No one can ensure that Iran won't make and use it when the situation is emergent.
Apr 13, 2011 03:01
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Iran is being watched day and night by U.S. spy satellites. It may have the potential to build a nuclear bomb but it is a long way from having a missile to deliver it to the U.S. It could however reach Israel. At the first sign that a nuclear missile launch is imminent the "baited cat" will never grow to be a lion.
Apr 13, 2011 04:40
GUEST1707 Bobert, the North Korea has claimed that they own nuclear bombs after two tests. The U.S. Defense Secretary Gates estimates that North Korea will be capable of making Intercontinental missile that can reach the US territory in five years.

Don't underestimate Iran. It might be another "North Korea" who will "menace" the US.
Apr 13, 2011 15:38
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GUEST 1707,
Get real ! Iran and North Korea may indeed develop an intercontinental missile capacity in five years and may even be allowed to build a few. They may even be foolish to use them. The U.S has 5000 missiles all with multiple nuclear warheads. Nobody knows how many Israel has, but it would not be inconsiderable. At the first sign of a missile launch in Iran or North Korea Israel and the U.S would turn them both into giant bar-b-ques.
Apr 13, 2011 21:10
GUEST1707 Bobert, it is hard to see what North Korea or Iran would have done if they were in the similar situation like Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya. The US indeed can turn them both into giant barbeques but they will suffer the losses too. The prices might be too high.
Apr 13, 2011 21:55
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Originally Posted by GUEST1707

The prices might be too high.

The price would be far higher if the threat was not answered.

I was totally against the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Both were built on a litany of lies. To be honest I am ambivalent on a possible attack on Iran because I know I am still being fed lies by the media. However I have no doubt it will happen.
Apr 17, 2011 02:19

Originally Posted by BOBERT

The price would be far higher if the threat was not answered.

I was totally against the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Both were built on a litany of lies. To be honest I am ambivalent on a possible attack on Iran because I know I am still being fed lies by the media. However I have no doubt it will happen.

Ok, let's see if it will come true. what excuses will be used if Iran was attacked?
Apr 17, 2011 02:58
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1/ The threat to Israel.
2/ Humanitarian,
3/ To install democracy.
Apr 27, 2011 06:47
GUEST12982 Impeached? no.
It's about oil and it's done on behalf of all oil consuming nations, including China. In the case with Lybia, it could also be "remember Pan Am". Had Syria been rich in oil, they would have bombed it too.
Iran has oil and refuses to stop its nuclear ambitions, so why don't they invade/bomb it? that's a mystery to me.
Apr 27, 2011 22:23
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Originally Posted by GUEST12982

Impeached? no.
It's about oil and it's done on behalf of all oil consuming nations, including China. In the case with Lybia, it could also be "remember Pan Am". Had Syria been rich in oil, they would have bombed it too.
Iran has oil and refuses to stop its nuclear ambitions, so why don't they invade/bomb it? that's a mystery to me.

America is currently fighting two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq). Two and a half if you include Libya. It is overstreteched already. Iran can wait a little while but as long as it has oil it's turn will come soon enough.
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