What are the cheapest way to Changchun from Singapore
Apr 16, 2011 21:58
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  • Join Date: Apr 16, 2011
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Hi guys, can anyone please help me out. I would want to try to find the cheapest way to get to ChangChun from Singapore, i have been there once via flight from Singapore to Guangzhou, transit to another flight to Changchun, and it is very costly and tiring. I am just a student and so i would definitely try to find the cheapest way over to Changchun. I was thinking if i could stop at some city and then take a train into Changchun, but i do not know which train services run to Changchun and from which city. I have tried searching the Train services in this website but as i have no experience in it, it was not very fruitful. Please can anyone please tell me or give me advice? Much appreciated
Thanks in advance.
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