suppliers for stainless steel /carbon steel , indians in china
Apr 17, 2011 08:41
guest22182 dear all,
i would like to visit the following places during my visit to china,
i would be glad if you can give me more input regarding products/suppliers in the follwing places.

i would like to visit factories for understanding manufacturing process and develop suppliers for the following items.

1. stainless steel 200/300/400 series strips /coils, welded pipes /tubes, seamless pipes tubes.
2. carbon steel pipes /tubes.
3 stainless steel / carbon steel fittings / bends / flanges etc.
4. machinery for manufacturing stainless bends, elbows, flanges , pipes, polishing of pipes.
5. get idea on what other factories are doing with end peices of pipes

i have in that context shortlisted the following places.


awaiting your inputs if you have contacts in these places for supplier/ hotel
i would also need your input on the overall routing.

i would like to stay at all these places for about 2 days , with 3 days in foshan and ningbo.

my flight from mumbai- shangai , reaching shangai on 3rd may 8: 30 pm china time.
retyrn hongkong mumbai, the dates are flexible.

i would like to meet indian national at thes places who are willing to act as agents for us later on , or just in general coz i would highly appreciate indian vegetarian food during my visit.
contact me directly :|moonlighttube
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