Gamble on William and Kate’s wedding
Apr 25, 2011 01:51
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Prince William is going to marry Kate on April 29. The bookmakers are taking bet on everything about their marriage.

What is the color of the Queen’s hat on the royal wedding day?

What is the color of Kate’s wedding dress? White, according the bookmakers.

What tune William and Kate will dance to for the first time? James Blunt’s “You are beautiful” is the bookmakers' favorite

Where will they go to spend their honeymoon? the private Caribbean island of Mustique is the bookmakers' choice, followed closely by Kenya (3-1), where William proposed. A 100-to-1 long shot is the Spanish party island of Ibiza.

Will they be happy ever after getting married? At 1-20, odds are heavily in favor of the couple still being together on their 10th wedding anniversary. By contrast, bookmakers are offering odds of 8-1 that they'll have split by then.

You can take your own bet and wait for the results on April 29.
Apr 25, 2011 21:16
GUEST13718 boring
Apr 27, 2011 02:28

Originally Posted by GUEST13718


Right. But some people just take royal wedding as a chance to make money. Good luck to those gamblers.
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