Will you commit suicide for frustrated love?
May 23, 2011 01:45
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I watched a video which recorded a man did his best to save a girl in wedding gown who tried to jump out of the window and finally he saved her. The video was about 54 seconds. But the girl would have died if the man hesitated for a few seconds.

Why did she commit suicide? She has been in love with a young man for 4 years. Recently, they have been talking about marriage issues. However, the man told her that he wanted to break up with her. This girl couldn’t accept what the man did to her. So she cut her wrist, walked to the window and jumped out to end her life. Luckily, she was saved.

Do you think it is worthwhile to die for a man who doesn’t love you anymore? If you were she, would you commit suicide?

May 23, 2011 21:25
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Never ever for me to punish myself for others' fault.
May 23, 2011 23:01
GUEST3698 Bystanders can never know how she felt. She was in despair otherwise she wouldn't cut her wrist and try to commit suicide.

I am not sure if I will kill myself if I was in the same situation like her. Glad to see she was saved. I wish that she could change her mind. Dying for a man who doesn't love you is worthless.
May 29, 2011 22:37
GUEST6642 If I decided to commit suicide, I would kill him first and then kill myself. How could he treat her in that way?
May 30, 2011 21:13
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A piece of bad news. A freshman from my old school hung himself. It's said it's because of love thing.
Poor boy. Actually, the ratio of boys to girls in my school was one to seven. Why didn't he go for another one?
May 30, 2011 21:49

Originally Posted by LINGYUXISU

A piece of bad news. A freshman from my old school hung himself. It's said it's because of love thing.
Poor boy. Actually, the ratio of boys to girls in my school was one to seven. Why didn't he go for another one?

How could he end his life so easily? What about his parents? People do not live only for love. He is a coward. Suicide is very easy but living needs much more courage.
Jun 2, 2011 22:55

Originally Posted by GUEST4833

How could he end his life so easily? What about his parents? People do not live only for love. He is a coward. Suicide is very easy but living needs much more courage.

At that moment, she couldn't think about so much. She felt that all hope was gone. Luckily, she was saved. Cherish her second life and do not let her parents' heart broken.
Jun 6, 2011 06:04
  • LOKI
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I have done this quite a few times myself!
Jun 7, 2011 23:19
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Originally Posted by LOKI

I have done this quite a few times myself!

Really? I am so happy that you are still here, Loki. Was your diaper that saved your life? Don't try to do silly things.
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