What would you, as a tourist, like to see improved upon in China?
Jun 12, 2011 10:08
guest20148 As you have toured throughout China, did you find any area of transportation, ease of accessibility, or anything else that you would like to see done differently? I'm writing a research paper about international tourism and would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
Jun 22, 2011 13:57
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I give you a riddle. What was near the tree by a river? Hah, how convenient, the song is "The Riddle" by Nik Kershaw.

Jun 25, 2011 01:54
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Ok, sorry, seems like I stopped the development of this thread and an important research.

The riddle "near the tree by a river there is a hole in the ground" which here of course means that to a western tourist it is the most unpleasant thing to do things to a hole. So western style toilets to public toilets, please.

Jul 2, 2011 18:48
GUEST12982 Start with road/street signs in English, with letter size as big as the Chinese.
Jul 3, 2011 02:27
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Originally Posted by GUEST12982

Start with road/street signs in English, with letter size as big as the Chinese.

Good suggestions. But I think it would be better if they can avoid any mistakes in English translations. I saw a very interesting street sign. It has "北->南" but below the 北 is written South. Foreigners who do not read Chinese will be misled.

And I really hope that the road/street signs in foreign countries can also have Chinese translations too.
Jul 7, 2011 04:38
GUEST76218 I would like to see air and water (rivers) quality improve. I think if the Government wants to stimulate the economy and create employment it would be a great investment for the future of not only China but the world. Spend some of the money that is now being spent on housing development that is far outwaying demand and high speed rail that may not be fully utilised and can expand at a slower rate. Use it for more efficient waste water treatment, carbon reduction of industry etc.

As far as tourist things go I have one simple solution. Get rid of all of those motorised golf carts or fake trains that for some reason Chinese people or tour operators think adds to the travelers enjoyment. I was in Pingyan and also the Grottos recently and was wisked by the tour operator into one of those carts and the driver drove us around the streets at some crazy speed. I was upset because there were so many interestiong things that I would have liked to dwell on but had no chance. Just let people walk without being annoyed by these things. Nothing worse than the peace and ambience of a place being spoiled by this visual polution. Just let everyone walk and have the occasional motorised vehicle for those who are disabled or elderly and make the drivers drive slowly.
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