Propertry purchase by foreigners
Jun 18, 2011 05:12
guest76218 A few questions that I was unable to find a clear answer for while in China.
1) What are the laws surrounding property purchase in China by non Nationals. Can you buy an appartment. Is there a different law if you were once a Chinese National but are now an Australian Citizen for example.
2)Also apparently property is only purchased for 50 years etc. That was not previously an issue as they would knock down your house and buy you out so you could purchase another, but I can see there being any way they will be able to knock down the big high rise developments in 50 years. What happens if you buy into a 20year old building. Does that mean you only have 30 years left. What happens after that.
Jun 18, 2011 23:30
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well ,pretty complicated .
The first condition is that at least you are living here for one lear .
second ,it does not make any difference before you were chinese now another citizens . They only look your current passport .
tell you one bad news, yes, after 30 years, they will knok down your apartment. , let you out ,and you can say or do nothing . After you only can (Shang fang )上访 and come back and buy a new apartment.
good luck !!
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