A Fun Question about Gloves
Jun 23, 2011 07:44
guest12982 Kate has 6 pairs (a pair is 2) of black gloves and 6 pairs of white gloves in her drawer.
One night there was no electricity in the house. How many gloves did she have to pull out of the drawer to get a matching (same color) pair?
Jun 27, 2011 07:19
GUEST76218 The max number could be 19. eg 1st glove selected was a left black, then the whole 12 white ones and then the remaining 5 left black ones before Kate is guaranteed to get the right black glove to complete the pair,which would be the 19th pulled out of the draw. Minimum is obviously 2.
Jun 27, 2011 19:56
GUEST12982 You are incorrect, but I see your reasoning for your answer.

Hint: Even though it's dark and kate can't see the colors, she can still feel and tell between a left hand glove and a right hand glove.
Jun 28, 2011 05:03
GUEST76218 Sorry. I dont agree. If the glove has a different material on the palm area then yes. But if it is all, say woollen they would feel identical depending on which side was up or down.
Jun 28, 2011 23:44
GUEST12982 76218,

If you disagree, I welcome you to try it for yourself.

The difference between the right hand side and the left hand side is the location of the thumbs in relation to the other fingers...

And in total darkness, you can still tell which glove is right and which one is left.
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