Naked Cycling VS Environment Protection? | |
Jun 26, 2011 01:43 | |
| Naked cycling seems to be popular abroad. On June 15, 2011, the fourth annual World Naked Bike Ride was held in London. Many people joined this activity to advocate low carbon life and environment protection. Several days ago, some young people in Guangzhou also planned to hold the same activity---naked bike ride. Just in one day, around 30 boys entered their names for this activity after they learned about this. Unfortunately, this activity was called off by the local police. Why? Naked cycling wasn’t accepted. Later, the promoter changed his plan. Naked cycling changed into half-naked cycling. The total number of the participants was limited to fewer than 200 and girls who attended it should wear bikinis or swimming suits. Why do we have to promote low carbon life and environment protection by taking our clothes off? Don’t we have other ways? |
Jun 26, 2011 21:30 | |
| I am not a foreigner and I can't accept this. As Avatar said, we still have other ways to promote low carbon life and environment protection. The traffic there will be crowded if they really ride nakedly. |
Jun 27, 2011 21:02 | |
| I think it kind of impolite to be naked in public in China. |
Jun 28, 2011 01:57 | |
| Avatar, the naked cycling activity in Guangzhou was finally canceled by the local police. Next time, they should do it secretly. |
Jul 2, 2011 08:18 | |
| haha naked cycling!! Well I’ve done many things in my lets say more “immature” days but surprisingly this was *not* one of them!! lol Nah I have much more class than that! My friend Bubba on the other hand has held many naked protests! The “eminent domain” law was at issue which would have threatened the closure of his film studio. Hes a film-maker so this would have been absolutely tragic! |
Jul 3, 2011 02:32 | |
GUEST04154 | I do not know if you guys have realized one thing: naked protests, cycling etc are useless because most went unsuccessful finally. |
Jul 27, 2011 01:40 | |
| Quote:LOL. It's true. The naked protests might be popular in the western countries but it is not popular in China. |
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