Beware: Online Clothing Shopping
Jul 26, 2011 17:40
For all the online shoppers out there, these must be your basis prior to engaging or having a deal with online fashion stores.

♥ How secure is your transaction?
♥ How are you paying for the item?
♥ What do you know about the seller?
♥ What are you buying?
♥ What are the legal terms of your purchase?
♥ When can I expect delivery of the item?
♥ How should you keep records about your purchase?
♥ To whom can you complain if you're not satisfied?

Jul 26, 2011 20:37
I didn't buy clothes online but I bought many other stuff online like my D90 Kit. It is safe and OK because I bought them on the authentic B2C website. But I had a very bad experience on

After I bought my D90 kit, I planned to buy a tripod but failed to find the one on the website where I bought a lot of things. So I went to and bought one. The owner promised me that his tripod was brand new. But I found it wasn't after I got it. I complained it to him and he just said all tripods looked like the one you got.

I was angry and said I would complain to He just said "I don't care." Later, I wrote a comment on his shop page but my comment didn't show up. I don't know if they deleted my comment.

My advice: Buy things on authentic B2C website. The prices might not be the cheapest but the quality is guaranteed.
Jul 31, 2011 19:13

Originally Posted by LONELYJOURNEY View Post

I didn't buy clothes online but I bought many other stuff online like my D90 Kit. It is safe and OK because I bought them on the authentic B2C website. But I had a very bad experience on

After I bought my D90 kit, I planned to buy a tripod but failed to find the one on the website where I bought a lot of things. S...

oh, i'm sorry if you had a very bad experience with that site.. that is why we should be vigilant and wise in choosing the online shop we will have a deal with. Because today, there are lots of unreliable shops.
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