Domestic Services
Aug 24, 2011 06:06
There are many among us who are so busy that they do not have the time to take care of the house. As business lives become more and more busy day by day, the house could get affected by that. Simple household tasks like cleaning, taking care of the little ones and cooking meals could become too troublesome but they need to be done anyways. There for Easy Way has a wide range of house services to assist you with the daily tasks.

The following could be arranged in our Domestic Service (House Service) package to assure you of a comfortable stay in Hangzhou:

A: Cleaning services, where we send an “A YI”, an Auntie to your house who will clean your entire apartment whenever requested. She is also able to perform babysitting tasks and cooking tasks at any time of the day.

B: Language lessons are also included in our house service package as part of the multilingual experience in China. Whether it’s Chinese, English, German, Spanish, Dutch or any language you wish to learn. We have all of the language teachers available that you could imagine.

C: Satellite installment, there are a lot of us these days who wish to watch something else on TV besides all the Chinese channels. Therefore we have a number of skilled handymen who are able to come and install a satellite dish for you so you can enjoy all the foreign channels available today!

D: Relocation. Whenever you need to move from one place to another, we offer assistance. Whether it’s small furniture or an entire house full of stuff, we will be here for you always.

As you can see, our house services are wide and a lot of things can be arranged within our package. There might come a time where you think: “Does the Easy Way House Service arrange this too?” the answer is simple: Just pick up the phone and give us a call about any issue and all. We’ll be here and try to do anything in any way to help you.

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