Foreigners, did you experience “joking in bridal chamber (闹洞房)"?
Dec 17, 2011 02:27
GUEST7684 Eating an apple together is funny. But teasing the groom and bride in public is unacceptable.
Dec 21, 2011 02:49
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Originally Posted by GUEST7684

Eating an apple together is funny. But teasing the groom and bride in public is unacceptable.

I am with you. But it's the local custom. Fang is my friend. When she got married, she told her husband that she hated teasing bridge games. Her husband listened to her words. As a result, no one came to their room at night.

It's good to communiciate with your partner. If teasing the bride games can not be avoided, then ask them not to go far...
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