Looking for a company named "Tinghao Meirong"
Sep 30, 2011 16:58
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  • Join Date: Sep 30, 2011
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Thank you for taking time to read this posting.

I am looking for any information on a cosmetic company named,

"Tinghao Meirong"

Telephone number, address, anything that I can contact them with.

Thank you again,

Oct 2, 2011 10:02
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  • Status: Offline
I don't know if this is the right company that you are looking for . Because in Chinese character they might mean something else . But anyway here is the news.
They are in Guangzhou .They deal with beauty and make up business something like this .
All informations are there . You can use google translator .
Hope this can help if they cheat on your money!!
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