from Lángzhong to Jiuzhaigou?
Oct 4, 2011 12:59
guestel li Hi. We are planning to travel from Lángzhong to Jiuzhaigou in two weeks time.
Is there a direct bus collection between these two cities?

Or should we take first bus to Guangyan? Or is there any better routes to choose from?
For example would it be more faster to go first to Miányang or Jiangyou?

Could someone tell me the timetables and durations:
Lángzhong - Guangyan
Lángzhong - Miányang
Lángzhong - Jiangyou

Guangyan - Jiuzhaigou
Miányang - Jiuzhaigou
Jiangyou - Jiuzhaigou

Would it be possible to arrange the trips so that we would not have to stay the night in any those cities?

I would be very thankful for your answers.
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