Prince William named 'most influential man in the world'
Oct 21, 2011 02:49
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Prince William has been named the world’s most influential man in a survey on He has beaten the US president Barack Obama and the former Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. According to, Prince William is a hard worker who is determined to use his global profile for good causes.

French DJ David Guetta came second, Cristiano Ronaldo was third.

Oct 21, 2011 05:31
GUEST88166 Who is it these people are supposed to influence, teenagers?
Oct 22, 2011 03:43
  • KEVIN0518
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Originally Posted by GUEST88166

Who is it these people are supposed to influence, teenagers?

Haha, good question. I am wondering what he has contributed to the world?
Oct 22, 2011 12:08
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He won only because the media has not written about Eenokki Mukkalainen from Takahikiä. He has even had influenza more times than the whole personal of the Buckingham palace. He was named the most influenzial man in the village by 24 votes beating the next one with 7 votes. He has influenzed at least 11 people, one of them was from the neighbour village. And that is true. Believe?

If not, then I am forced to tell you more lies.

Oct 25, 2011 23:08
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Carlos, I want to listen to your lies even though I know that he hasn't contributed to the world.
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