Should China give a hand to the EU?
Nov 2, 2011 04:00
  • MJ1985
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Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and other eurozone members are experiencing the sovereign debt crisis. The Eurozone leaders have gathered together several times, discussing how to bail out their member countries. The bail-out packages have been distributed but it seems that the situation hasn’t been changed.

Thus, they seek help from China. China has a large quantity of foreign exchange reserves. China is willing and able to help. Since the beginning of Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, China has expressed repeatedly its wish to give a hand to Europe.

However, Chinese people may not accept to bail out European countries. They may ask why they should pay for rich Europeans to retire early when they do not have a decent pension system.

What do you think? Should China give a hand to the EU?
Nov 2, 2011 05:24
GUEST12578 China has to care for its own population first.
But inderectly, they are helping Euro cuntries, by delaying debt payments, etc. If you only knew why Euro countries are finding themselves in this situation, you wonldn't want to help them. Tell them to clean house.
Nov 2, 2011 11:51
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I am a european and that´s why I would not be mentally hurt if China would "give a hand"

There are countries in Europe - including my country - which has handled things right and have no problems of their own. However, also those countries are about to be a part of the collapsing european economy just because of those other countries. We too must pay for their stupidity.

However, I think it is justified to ask "why they should pay for rich Europeans to retire early when they do not have a decent pension system".

On the other hand, China definitely can not say there is no positive economical influence whatsoever brought by hundreds of companies from Europe and the US that gives jobs in China nowadays.

Nov 3, 2011 03:09
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Can you imagine what will happen if the EU stops aiding Greece? The Greece decides to hold a referendum in early December. It plans to let its people decide whether to accept the bail-out package from the EU. If the Greeks refusd, Greece would have been kicked out of the EU.

Remember that there are some other countries who also have sovereign debt crisis. If Greece were forced to be divided from the EU, the sovereign debt crisis would be getting worse and worse and collapse like like dominoes. As a result, the EU would have collapsed. The European economy will collapse too.

Very horrible! That's why the Eurozone leaders finally decide to increase bail-out pacakges to Greece and decrease Greece's debts.
Nov 4, 2011 01:50
GUEST27943 Jimmyb,

Greece has given up referendum. The Germany and France have pressured Greece to give it up. They even discussed about the possibility of Greece's withdrawal from the EU.
Nov 10, 2011 01:48
GUEST2435 The sovereign debt crisis is deeper than we thought. The Greek PM has announced to resign and the Italian PM also promises to resign conditionally. A big blow to the EU.

EU will become the next US who is trapped in recession.
Nov 10, 2011 11:58
GUESTMARKVAN... 1. It is impossible (by law) to kick out Greece!
2. Europe has to manage its own problems. Getting help from outside would make Europe depending of other countries.
3. Let the world get a lesson of what is happening here (in Europe). Buy when you have the money - don 't buy too much with your credit card!
Nov 10, 2011 20:41


1. It is impossible (by law) to kick out Greece!
2. Europe has to manage its own problems. Getting help from outside would make Europe depending of other countries.
3. Let the world get a lesson of what is happening here (in Europe). Buy when you have the money - don 't buy too much with your credit card!

Yes, EU doesn't want Greece to leave because it will have great adverse effect on ohter countries. Now the new Greek PM has taken office. I don't know whether he can pull Greece out of the sovereign debt crisis.
Nov 12, 2011 02:25
The France is also in trouble. Not sure if the president will resign.
Dec 7, 2011 03:14
  • KEVIN0518
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Let the EU deal with their own problems. China should also cope its own problems too. The GDP growth indicates that China's economy is developing stably. But the prices of houses, food, vegetables etc are very expensive.
Dec 8, 2011 17:38
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The EU problem is also Chinas problem. Without EU exports Chinas economy will also hit the wall. If China helps bail out the EU it will not be for altruistic motives. It will do so entirely for it's self preservation.
Last edited by BOBERT: Dec 8, 2011 17:39
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