My first visit to Hong Kong
Nov 23, 2011 01:42
I would like to visit Hong Kong, and it’s my first visit to Hong Kong.

It would be great if anyone could answer my below mentioned questions.

1) Do I require a traveler visa ( am an Indian)
2) Best time to Visit
3) Things to do
4) Place’s to visit and stay (Economy and Decent)
5) How many days required to visiting important places at Hong Kong.
6) Check List for travel to Hong Kong.
7) Cheapest airline from India to Hong Kong
8) Country etiquette
9) Best things to buy
I would really appreciate if someone could share the experience as well?
Nov 23, 2011 01:49
GUEST2347 You are an Indian, right? You are exempted from the visa for 14 days in HK.
Nov 27, 2011 23:57
Thanks for your reply!

Nice to know:-)

Travel to Hong Kong, visa is exempted for an Indian n just for 14 days..

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