Village in the heart of the desert of taklimakan
Jan 1, 2012 12:55
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  • Join Date: Jan 1, 2012
  • Status: offline
I did the trip to daryaboyi(tongguzbasti) trip in October.
It is amazing that 137km from the hotel to the daryaboyi village there were several local houses built of wood; rest would be desert or trees, sand dunes, and bushes. one of our FWD stuck to the sand and we used 6 of them so it was easy to pull it off the sand. Hitch hiking is not good idea for that place.
The 2of the cars we used were of the village government so it was easy for us to get the permit.
Village has 1300 populations, and most of the people lives by animal husbandry and selling a type of local desert plant which is used as medicine as well. But their houses all made of wood branches and it was kool in the summer.
We spent two nights in the village as our camels were being ready to the journey of going to mazartagh wich is 120km away from here on the west near by the second desert high way near the hotan river.(in direct line it would be 90km but in the desert it is not possible to walk strait line so it became 120km).we finished the trip 8days. The first and second day of the journey we did see some houses and also trees and bushes as well but from the 3d day on did not see much of the green and 4th day to 6th no tree nor bushes but blue sky and desert only . It must be our luck only to see the blue sky. It was amazing trek

Mar 20, 2017 03:49
GUEST24213 Hi,where did you hire camels to go from tongguzbasti to mazartagh?
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