Will Obama be reelected as the president of the United States?
Nov 3, 2012 19:15
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hello mark. but whats ur stance as a dutch..just throw a coin and theres fifty percent probabiliy of winning the bet ...i think if the election took place in china. there would be nation wide gambing game at each corner.

Nov 4, 2012 09:29
  • MARK_81
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Well you are actually talking to an Aussie living in holland! haha

flip the coin... I'll go with Romney
Nov 4, 2012 09:31
  • MARK_81
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..but i'm not a gambling man so don't take that to the bank! lol
Nov 4, 2012 18:54
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mark...i just saw documentary about both. i dont see why either of them cannot become the president. unfortunetly. theres only one who takes the office. chinese official media n polytical anylist say that romney seems unable to make the turn i agree with lucy that obama could win with tiny margin...
romney is a great leader. but no body knows wether he is capable to resolve issues of job loss deep indebt in 4 yr term if he took the office by tax cuts n cracking down chinese thru enhancing relations with latin america . that is typical way of bizmen thinking...obama used to meet with the leaders of usa biggest corp saying if its possible to take the lost jobs back to shores. they said the biz chains have been established...its least likely to be back...and the tax rate cuts will create another 700 billion shortfall to fed budgets...
neither of candidates is not super excellent...both of them are americans pillar..if things get improved soon. it is god who brings the bliss...
Last edited by XIAOBAIHE: Nov 4, 2012 19:42
Nov 6, 2012 23:55
Ten months ago, I made this post. Today, Obama has another four years to be the president of the USA. Congratulation to him.
Nov 8, 2012 21:55
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No matter who takes the power, he will being facing the possible recession looming around...a very tough challenge down the road...
Nov 25, 2012 21:41
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Coolsprings, do u mean fiscial cliff. what would be the consequence after tax increase and government spending cuts. Let's wait and see until next January.
Nov 25, 2012 21:48
GUESTMARIA hope borrowing rate keep low in that case...
Nov 26, 2012 22:32
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maria, hope uphere it will follow the suit...
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