Xian after Beijing or Shanghai ?
Jan 8, 2012 17:44
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Traveling to China next December/January for a month. 3 of us, and 1 is fluent in Chinese. We want to do our own thing, arranging own travel etc. Thought be would we would start in Beijing & go onto Shanghai. We like all the usual tourist things expecially old towns history etc. We are looking at the train through to Shanghai, but are unsure the best way to fit Xian in, before or after Shanghai, and what other side trips that are worth looking at.

Would be interested if anyone can suggest any links to any sites of those who may have done a trip of around 30 days exploring China
Jan 8, 2012 20:31
GUESTDAVE As Beijing will be your arrival city, I recommend you make Shanghai as the departure city, for most of the international flights arrive at and depart from these two China's cities.
Here is a detailed tour information of 24 days for your reference. You can just travel along the route. It is well arranged.
If you don't have enough time for the whole itinerary, you can head to Shanghai after the tour in Xian either by air or by train.
Jan 8, 2012 20:47
GUEST19140 Hi Dave
Thankyou for that
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