luoping rapeseed season 2012
Feb 7, 2012 10:41
Hi There,
Does anyone knows the situation in luoping now? is the flower gonna bloom in end of february?

Feb 7, 2012 20:24
GUEST4842 I just read that the rape flowers were not planted until Nov. 17 in 2011. Plus, some areas in Yunnan are suffering from the drought. Thus, I am not sure that it is the best time to go there at the end of Feb. Maybe, the beginning of March is also good.
Feb 8, 2012 01:08
thanks so much for your info. That's really helpful. Do you know how long does it takes for the flowers to bloom?
Feb 8, 2012 04:00
GUESTDAVE According to local reports, it is around February 23th.
Feb 8, 2012 22:24
hi guestdave, tks so much!! i hope i'll be there at the right time, thanks!
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