some questions
Jun 27, 2012 20:26
guestdewp Hi guys.

I have a Taiwanese girlfriend who I live with in London, she's a CAD designer and has been offered a dream job in Tianjin managing a big project for 5 years and we're planning to go together, I am an illustrator and work from home.

Firstly, as British citizen is obtaining a Chinese visa difficult/are there many hoops I have to jump through?

Where is the best website to browse and look for flats in the area?

Thank you for your help in advance
Jun 27, 2012 22:22
Check this page:

Jun 27, 2012 22:56
GUESTGUESTDEWP Thank you, yes I felt stupid after posting this and saw the visa section of the forums

I wonder if it's harder now for British people to get a Visa after that scumbag British guy tried to rape that woman a few months back

where are the best places to browse for flats etc?

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