any foreigners in taiyuan
Mar 20, 2014 05:12

Yes I'm still in Taiyuan, I've been teaching here for a little bit less than 4 years (Mainly at university).

Due to the new policies about the "New Taiyuan", they have destroyed hundreds of buildings and put more than 50 roads under construction and, unfortunately, my bar was among the buildings.

I guess you will arrive soon or you are already here, so feel free to call me :-)



Jul 25, 2014 06:06
Hello everyone

I am considering taking a teaching position at Taiyuan University of Technology. I've just finished university here in the UK and want to learn Mandarin and study for a graduate diploma distance learning for a year to allow me to do a masters in a different subject than my undergrad degree when I return to the UK. I have a few questions regarding the city:

1: How bad is the pollution currently? I understand their has been a drive to clean up the city and some of the heavy industry in the region went under during the downturn. The only current pollution data I can find indicates Taiyuan has only been moderately polluted for the last week. Is this just a statistical quirk? Will I arrive and be choking?

2:I currently only speak fairly basic conversational Mandarin and understand next to no one will speak English outside of the university campuses. So my Mandarin will likely improve quickly out of sheer necessity. Do the locals speak standard Mandarin Chinese or a completely different dialect? I am keen to learn Mandarin without a particularly strong regional accent.

3: My salary will be fairly paltry. Is there any demand for private English tuition in the city?

4:I'm not really a big drinker but do enjoy going to clubs? Are there any decent clubs or bars? Similarly, are there any places serving decent Batista style coffee?


Jul 30, 2014 23:49
GUEST83037 I taught at TYUT for two years. Get use to finding your own teaching resources as their fairly uncooperative. Pollution is dreadful, some days you can't see more than a few hundred metres. Their is plenty of work outside of TYUT. I had three part time jobs as well as a fulltime one.
Go to the English Corner on weekends in the city to make friends. Just accept Taiyuan for what it is and you'll enjoy it. Great city really especially Chinese New Year and Lantern festival
Oct 1, 2014 20:37
GUEST89593 hi
Im a student and studying in Taiyuan university of technology.
if you want to get some info about Taiyuan,feel free to contact me.
wechat:1003453860 TEL:18435162883 im Richard BTW

Jul 4, 2017 00:51
GUEST55152 are u still in taiyuan? I'm a student and I'm looking for a foreigner as a friend
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