China at start of May, bad idea?
Apr 28, 2005 16:09
Hi there,

I've heard that the first two weeks are a bad time to go to China. I would be flying into and staying in Beijing for about 8 days. Would you strongly recommend against going there between May 5th - May 14th?? Will prices be that much more expensive and the city be that much more full of tourists??

Apr 28, 2005 16:13
That's true. Actually the train ticket from Xi'an to Beijing are all sold out now. So you can tell how popular Beijing would be as a tourism destination.
Apr 28, 2005 16:30
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Do not suggest you travel during the golden week of May 1st to 7th, you'll see nothing except for the crowd.

I know many tickets are in the hands of those ticket mongers. Actually I've bought a ticket on May 1st from one of them:)
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