Can't find my package on EMS
Aug 28, 2019 05:43
GUESTFABBERS I purchased some shoes online but have been unable to track my package from China, EMS tracking number LL667673420CN.

The website says No tracking information for the package or overdue shipment. I’m really hoping this isn’t a scam!
Aug 29, 2019 18:55
GUEST11735 I have an EMS tracking number LO055726702CN.

It says parcel was ready August 12.

It's now August 29, and there is no tracking information available yet.

Is anyone able to help?
Nov 3, 2019 22:21
GUEST62230 LW661963047CN
this is my tracking number... it's been 30 days+ Still not recieved yet.. cannot track on EMS website.. PLEASE HELP!!
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