where is Shuishang Gongyuan North Road in Tianjin?
May 2, 2005 01:45
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I have a friend studying in Nankai university. I wana surprise her. So i need to go by myself
If I go by train (the best way, right?) from Beijing to Tianjin, how to find Shuishang Gongyuan North Road? I need to meet one of my friend first. Is it the same road with "Water Park" road? THen if I go to Nankai university, how could I know where is the class of my friend? She study chinese language and culture. Is Nankai University is very big?easy to get lost?

Thanks so much
May 6, 2005 21:10
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Shuishang Gongyuan Beidao is the same as "Water Park Road". It's about a block off of Fukang Lu and Weijin Nanlu. Very close to Nankai.

Nankai is a pretty big school, and it can be difficult to find things if you don't know your way around. If your friend is a foreigner, you can ask where the "wai4guo2 xue2sheng1 su4she4" (foreign students dormitories) are located. Sooner or later, someone should be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck.

Nathan Mittelstaedt
May 7, 2005 06:55
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Thanks for yur help. My friend is foreigner. If I got contact with him safely, i will let you know
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