Do U like Nicolas Cage's films? | |
Jan 3, 2013 20:58 | |
| The spirits of western civilization or DEMOCRACY since Italian Renaissance has been on the base of , humanistic psychology. According to Dr. Stan , Charnofsky , the goal of this therapy can be adjusted to an inhuman situation, such as a society in Nazi Germany or a household full of alcoholism and abuse. The final goal of Humanistic psychology is the integrated person, not the adjusted one. Integrated people are capable of independent choices, able to evaluate the overview from the distance of human events with clear eyes and incisive choices. With enough integrated people, we begin to influence the culture, banish violent solutions, and create a populous that cherishes differences. It reminds of ‘’lord of war’’ and ‘’stolen’’ starring Nicolas Cage. He states the secret of survival as a gun trafficker in lord of war. When his wife why, we have enough , he says because I am good at it...On the other hand, in Stolen, he throws the gold into the sea even if it can change the rest of his life. It does allow the difference and the natural selection goes in favour of the development of human being as a whole... |
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