A man “carries” his “house” home by foot!
May 24, 2013 21:41
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A man from Guangxi “carries” his “house” home by foot. Named Liu Lingchao, this 38-year-old guy went to Guangdong at the age of 18. 5 years ago, the idea of going home came to his mind. Then he made such a simply equipped “house” to accompany him. In day time, he walks home with the “house” on his back while collecting waste materials for a living; in night time, he puts down the “house” and sleeps in it. During the past 5 years, 3 of such “houses” have been broken on the way. But fortunately, he is only 20 kilometers (about 12 miles) away from home. Hold on, Liu, you’re almost there!

May 28, 2013 02:05
Is he still single? If he has a family, he won't carry his home from somewhere to somewhere.
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