"I'm in need of help tracking an EMS package..."
Jul 14, 2013 01:12
guest92958 Hello.

I tried to track a package by entering the following tracking number,
EE758940876CN, into the rectangular box via EMS website, yet still
I can't make head nor tail of this tracking number. I need help! Can
someone help me, please?

Thank you for your kind consideration...

Best regards,

Jul 14, 2013 21:03
GUEST55354 Yes, I checked it on the EMS website and nothing related to this tracking number is found.
Jul 14, 2013 21:23
GUEST92958 Could it possibly mean it has been shipped?

Could it possibly mean it has never been shipped?

Could it possibly mean at one time it was created but it was later on canceled?

Could it possibly mean it was never created therefore it couldn't have been canceled, at al?

Please advise..

Thank you, advance...
Jul 14, 2013 21:27
GUEST92958 Could it possibly mean it has been shipped and already been delivered and somebody did sign for it? Who signed for it?

Could it possibly mean it has been shipped and already been delivered and nobody it signed for it?

Perhaps, the tracking number never existed.
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