What should I budget for? (first post) | |
Apr 3, 2015 10:42 | |
| Hi everyone! My name is Hannah and I'm super new here (sorry if this question is in the wrong category). I have a very broad and vague question so I can provide more details if anyone needs them: what should I budget for?? I'll provide some info: - I will be flying into China from Michigan on either August 20th or 21st and will be staying there until mid February. - I'm working with a company called LoveTEFL based out in the UK - I'll be teaching English while I'm there (it's an internship..not a job..I'm 19 and in my second year of college) - I'll most likely be flying out from Detroit - The company I'm with gives us a 2000 RMB allowance per month that we're there - I'm not going alone...I'll be with at least one other intern - We teach English for 4.5 months and the rest of the time is ours to enjoy - This may seem a little insane...but I have no clue where I'm going. We get to China in late August, have a week-long orientation, and then we find out where we're placed. This could literally be anywhere in the country. I'm praying I get placed in China or Shanghai. - LoveTEFL provides: - transportation to school I'm working at - accommodation/living arrangements - weekday meals - if there are details you guys need, I'll be happy to provide them So...what should I budget for? I'm saving up for plane tickets (those puppies aren't cheap). How much should I budget for travelling and spending? What else am I missing? Is grocery store food cheap over in China? Any information is helpful! Thanks guys! (also I just noticed that it looks like my apostrophes are doubled..is that normal?) |
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