How much time do you spend on the internet daily?
Mar 8, 2017 21:16
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We all say that the internet has changed man's life. Yes, it's exactly the case. I often feel that one can hardly survive in modern life if she or he does not have access to the internet. Many people nowadays rely on the internet deeply. They work, shop, read news, watch videos, listen to the music, order meals, and play games all on the net. So are you a net potato addicted to the internet? How much time do you spend on the internet every day? And how much time do you think is reasonable to be spent?

According to a survey, the time spent daily on the internet had better be restrained to four hours for the sake of health. However, the reality is that most white-collars have to sit in front of a computer for at least eight hours a day. Besides, many of them surf the internet on mobile phones after work. Take myself as an example. I usually spend at least ten hours on the net per day. At weekends and on holidays, I will do more leisure activities outside instead. What about you?
Mar 10, 2017 03:36
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I used internet more than 15 hours
Mar 15, 2017 10:51
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I voted 1-4 hrs but after doing some thinking (heh, yea, even I do manage it sometimes... ) the more correct would be 4-8 hrs.

I usually wake up about 5:30, put coffee machine on and then read morning papers... in the net of course. I read the news few times per day, do some investigations and learn some geography.
I do have a facebook-profile, too, but there I visit maybe 3-4 times per week, so most of my time in the net goes for news, learning things and maps.

I do have social life too (enough for me) and I talk with my wife so for me the internet has not been a curse...
Mar 20, 2017 02:26
GUEST20778 I spend so much time.
Mar 29, 2017 07:17
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more than a 15 hours in a day
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