Can you purchase a train ticket in HK for travel to Yichang?
Jul 21, 2005 13:11
Can you help!!!

we are trying to find out if its possible to purchase a train ticket in HK from HK to Yichang or do we have to purchase a ticket for HK to Guangzhou and then go and purchase another ticket when we arrive in Guangzhou for the travel from Guangzhou to Yichang?

We are travelling in December
Jul 21, 2005 15:39
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Hi there,

There is no train ticket can be bought in HK(from HK to Yichang). You have to go to Guangzhou train station and buy the tickets in Guangzhou.

You can only buy the following tickets directly from HK to the mainland, China:
i) HK -> Guangzhou
ii) HK -> Shanhai
iii) HK to Beijing

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