Your zodiac animal is incorrect, probably
Aug 4, 2017 06:39
guest13135 Well actually your year animal is probably correct unless your born in January or February. But I'm not here to talk about your year animal. You see you have other zodiac animals representing the month, day, hour, etc. The problem is most people only know their year animal and think that represents their personality. But this is false, it does not. It is in fact the day animal that represents your personality. The year tends to represent your ancestry.

There are Four Pillar sites you can go to that calculate what your day animal is. I never really identified with my year animal. I thought it was cool but when I read up the traits and description on it, it didn't really fit me. I would even read up on friends and family to compare their day animals to the year animals. I got the same results. The day animal was more accurate.

But I'm not here to take away the descriptions of this site, they're still accurate. I just now no longer read it based off the year animals. The pieces of the puzzle fall into place as to why my past relationships as well as friendships didn't work out using my day animal instead.

Finally if you really think about it, it doesn't make much sense that everyone born in the same year (think back to school), have the same personality traits.
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