Toronto x Pek X HK X Tokio x Shangai X Beijin X Toronto - Free-visa
Jan 30, 2018 06:27
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Good Morning,

My husband and I are planning a trip in March to China, Hong Kong and Japan and we would like to take some questions about the visa requirement.

To illustrate better, our script follows:

Arrival in Beijing 03/19 at 16:50
Departure from Beijing to Hong Kong 03/23 at 12:05
Departure from Hong Kong to Tokyo March 26 at 11:00
Entry into Shanghai 04/04 at 10:30
Departure from Shanghai 04/04 at 9:15 p.m.
Entry into Beijing 04/04 at 23:40
Beijing departure x Rio 04/04 at 18:50

From the accounts we have made, we will be in the first stretch less than 6 days in Beijing, which would guarantee us visa exemption, correct?
In the second stretch, we would enter Shanghai and stay less than 72 hours in the country, which would also guarantee the exemption, correct?

In these terms, we would like to confirm that there is no need to apply for a visa.


Danielle Valente
Jan 30, 2018 19:05
GUEST01190 In the first stretch, you can enjoy the 144-hour free transit in Beijing. In the second stretch, the 24-hour direct transit policy is applicable to you.
Jan 30, 2018 20:06
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The first entry, ok.
The second i will stay more then 24h. I wiill Entry into Shanghai 04/04 at 10:30 am and Beijing departure x Rio 04/05* at 18:50

* Sorry, it was my mistake. I wrote 04/05 and the correct is 04/05
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