Return ticket to Beijing. Starting new plane ticket from Beijing to Thailand
Feb 1, 2018 04:53
  • KAGGY71
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I appreciate this has probably been asked a thousand times, but I cant seem to find anything same as what i am asking, so apologies.
We have bought return tickets from UK to Beijing for 7 days ( family of 6). I plan to visit Thailand in the middle ( ie then return to Beijing), mainly to avoid paying the visa cost. If I do not stay in Beijing for over 72 hours either before or after my Thailand trip, can I avoid paying the visa?
Thankyou in advance
Feb 17, 2018 22:51
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Time clock resets when the family leaves china and returns. its 144 hour TWOV now so you can do the side trip anytime during the 7 day stop without worry of going over. Just make sure there are no other stops in mainland china between Beijing and Thailand.
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