Can university cancel my visa?
Mar 15, 2018 00:44
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  • Join Date: Mar 15, 2018
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Good day everyone,

I have a question regarding cancellation of residence permit issued by university

In 2015 I got accepted into a university for a 4 year program and was issued a 4 year residence permit that is supposed to expire in 2019 when I graduate. In the beginning of the first year, however, I was able to transfer straight to the second year, and that moved my graduation to summer 2018 instead of 2019. My visa however, still expires in 2019. So the question is: Can the university cancel my residence permit upon my graduation or they might just as well not do anything about it?


Mar 15, 2018 01:06
GUEST20776 If the university doesn't inform this of the police, you can still use your residence permit until 2019, but the university has the right to notice the police. So you should consult this at your school.
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